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“WOVEN GROVE” Hyper-Light Bamboo Tower
at Design China Beijing 2019|“编织丛林”超轻竹塔---设计中国北京2019开幕式装置
Beijing Opposite House, China 北京瑜舍酒店,中国
01 Woven Grove_Looking up view 02 Photo
13 Woven Grove_Detail 06 Photo by AntiSt
08 Woven Grove_Close up view 3 Photo by
"Woven Grove " Bamboo Installation Photography
04 Woven Grove_Overall 1 Photo by Design
"Woven Grove " Bamboo Installation Day View
11 Woven Grove_Detail 04 Photo by AntiSt
"Woven Grove" Details

This project is entitled “Woven Grove,” and is an exploration of the inherent material behaviors of bamboo and inspired by the craft-based practice of weaving. As bamboo is one of the most rapid growing natural materials and is capable of absorbing vast amounts of carbon in the process of growth, it seemed to us to be a very natural material to begin exploring. We often begin with a material and try to develop an understanding of how we might best leverage the material for its inherent properties and behaviors and allow those studies to drive our design. In this case we found that the bamboo was highly pliable and flexible, however, when these forces are woven together we are able to achieve a highly rigid and lightweight structure. Following the natural behavior of the material as a driver for design, we don’t as much tell the material what to do, but rather allow the form to emerge through behavioral simulations. This work is meant to challenge and question our conventional means of construction and design, suggests that there are potential avenues and processes which take a path of less resistance, in this sense we are suggesting that the outdated trope of “Man vs Nature” is no longer valid in so many ways, and instead seek to promote the idea of “Humanity within Nature.”

Both foreign and familiar, the geometric principles of the materials behavior are leveraged to find a formal strategy in sync with inherent physical properties. This work proposes a new approach to how structural elements are created, beginning with rigorous study of the natural bamboo as the primary driver for formal determination as opposed to conventional processes which define a design space then seek to force materials to match that form. Across the scales of the work biomimetic principles define the design approach through a bottom up generative propagation.


Utilizing customized artificial intelligence algorithms as a means of generating form, simulating behavior and creating fabrication logics the work suggests a new model for contemporary design. Antoni Gaudi declared that nature does not create straight lines, the formal behavior of this work is inspired from nature but not taken, co-opting the principles and ideas into an architectural language. To achieve these forms complex yet simple rule sets are created and fed through artificially intelligent algorithms. Lastly, the final fabrication is completed through a process in which the assembly logics are embedded within the material itself rather than requiring additional referential assembly and construction drawings.


This project is an initial step towards to development of a much larger design methodology. Looking forward to ever advancing emerging technologies the work drives towards a potential for increasing integration between the many spheres of making and design. While the work is created through increasingly advanced technological innovations, it finds its execution within the natural realm of sustainable material and formal characteristics. In this way the work does not suggest that there is a singular way forward through technology but rather an evolutionary process which is capable of including an ever more diverse array of parameters within its environment.



先利用自定义的智能算法去生成形态,再用电脑测试区模拟真实物理世界的材料表现特征,最终得到合理的制造步骤和逻辑,这是当代设计的基本套路。Antoni Gaudi说过,真实的自然界是不存在完美直线的,这也就解释了我们的作品虽然由自然特性启发,但也并非一比一复制了自然形态,而是将那些自然属性融入了既定的建筑语言。这种逻辑既简单又复杂,但在当下的设计领域里,我们一定需要依靠计算机算法去解决问题。如今,在设计的最后一步即实际制造组装这一环节已经不再需要传统的施工图纸或模型作为参考了;组装的步骤早已在设计环节,由算法植入材料本身,这使得建造者拿到材料和各部分零件的时候,组装的逻辑已经可以显而易见地呈现出来,而这种过程也是极为精确的。


Artist/ Architects: Martin Miller, Mo Zheng

Design Team: Yoyo Li, Zhong Xin, Amber Zhu

Fabrication Team: Luke Theodorius Erick DWI, Christopher Beckett, Yasser Hafizs, Annie Liu Arthur Yang, Zinan Yang, Yan Zhang, Yinyu Li, Ting Bai, Zilu Wang

Install Team: AntiStatics Architecture

Organizer: Design China Beijing, Opposite House

Material Supplier: Seamboo

Project location: The Opposite House, Beijing

Size:  6.8mx3.5m

Material: Bamboo Strips, Aluminum


Design Time: 2019, July


Photographer: Design China 2019+AntiStatics


Movie Edit: Martin Miller, Luke Theodorius

艺术家/建筑师:  Martin Miller(美)、郑默

设计团队:Yoyo 李越垚, Zhong Xin 钟心,Amber 朱宇珩

制作团队:Luke Theodorius Erick DWI (印尼), Christopher Beckett (英), Yasser Hafizs (印尼),Annie Liu 刘宣灼,Arthur Yang杨轩, 杨紫楠, 张岩, 李欣雨, 白婷, 王子路

安装团队:非静止建筑AntiStatics Architecture




尺寸:6.8米X 3.5米

材料: 原竹、铝板、五金件


摄影师:Design China 2019+AntiStatics

视频制作:Martin Miller, Luke Theodorius

05 Woven Grove_Detail 02 Photo by Design
"Woven Grove" Details
04 Woven Grove_Aerial 1 Photo by Design
02 Woven Grove_Overall 1 Photo by AntiSt
18 Woven Grove_Aerial 1 Photo by Design
"Woven Grove" Opening Day 
05 Woven Grove_Overall 6 .jpg
07 Woven Grove_Looking up view Photo by
"Woven Grove" Bamboo Tower interior
15 Woven Grove_Close up view6 Photo by D
"Woven Grove" Installation Process
14 Woven Grove_Process2.jpg
20 Woven Grove_Poster2.jpg
Woven Grove_Diagram_Plan+Detail.jpg
Woven Grove_Diagram_Elevation.jpg
"Woven Grove" Diagram and Elevations
Woven Grove_Render_Top View.png
Woven Grove_Diagram_Assembling Detai.jpg
"Woven Grove" Rendering and Assembly Diagram
Woven Grove_Model_3.jpg
25 Woven Grove_Model_1.jpg
"Woven Grove" Physical test model
Woven Grove Video by AntiStatics Architecture

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