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2016 China ceramics channel art museum 1st exhibition | 中国陶瓷频道美术馆开馆仪式
antistatics architecture wood structure

Location: Beijing, China


Date of exhibition: 2016.03.07- 2016.04.07 (in progress)


Team: AntiStatics Architecture

           Martin Miller, Zheng Mo


Sepecial Design: Chinese traditional tenon and mortise joint and parametric design


Publication: China ceramic channel featured magzine and CCTV

This project is a rapid renovation for a private art museum in Beijing: ceramics channel art museum. AntiStatics is hired to design and rennovate the current museum interior and curate the 1st exhibition for the new channel launching event.


The woven fabric draws upon the buddhas intergration with light while serving the function of hiding an illegal idol under the communistic government as part of an opening for a new ceramics channel. The Wood installation is a dynamic entry gate, through a simple interlocking
geometry the user experiences a dynamic range of patterns as they move past the 3d moire.


我们的设计从材料的选择和空间氛围的营造入手。原有的美术馆有一个12米通高的中庭区域,里面有一尊10米高的石制佛像。天花和周围的展墙都是混凝土材质,空间显得比较冰冷。我们的想法是尽可能的融入温暖的木制材料和软性的布面材料去体现空间的禅意;同时通过对展览布局的调整,达到空间的视觉新体验。但是要达到新的视觉冲击力,并体最好地展示中国传统的陶瓷艺术,既需要创新也需要继承传统。我们选取了两个主要区域,进行创新艺术装置的设计,其他三层展示区域则以调整展品疏密布局和展览流线为主。美术馆的入口区域和中庭区域是主要的公共交汇空间,我们大胆的采用了一系列交叉几何形式: 入口木架展示装置和中庭表演区布条装置去营造一种全新的气氛。


入口的木架装置采用中国传统的榫卯结构,通过参数化设计把木架的结构组成方式变成斜的45度角。通过简单的连锁几何图案,参观者会随着自身的移动体验到一系列动态的立体图形变化。木架装置同时具有展示作用,交叉格子之间可以摆放小型瓷器。中庭佛像我们则采用白色布条的交叉几何图案,既作为体现禅意的装置,同时成为表演区舞台的背景,与灯光的色彩变化融为一体。设计施工一体化是我们的又一特点: 木架装置的每一根木条切口和长度采取精密的参数化计算;布条的拉伸强度和扭转、交叉造型也是通过参数化生成,从而达到设计施工的无缝连接。

antistatics architecture wood structure
antistatics architecture wood structure
antistatics architecture wood structure
antistatics architecture wood structure

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