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"THE MAOHAUS" Hutong Facade|      

“Pussy Hut" Winter Stations 2018 |


04 Umi Theater_AntiStatics.jpg
Umi-Play Kis Drama Education Center Design |
"Water around the Stone" Re-Ball Competition | “水中石”互动装置Re-Ball国际竞赛
Air Interactive Installation, Ningbo Museum of Art | 空气互动装置,宁波美术馆
Beijing Future Science Park Upgrad|     
05 Primitive 原始棚屋室内.jpg
"Primitive Hut" wood pavilion
|  “原始棚屋” 户外木制装置空间
EFFIX Pavilion-Varna Competition | EFFIX 瓦尔纳馆设计竞赛
Refugee Camp "DiaMosque" 
| 难民营清真寺设计
antistatics architecture woven pavilion
“Plaited Tectonics”  |
antistatics architecture urban green
“Hybrid Forest” Beijing Urban Renovation
| 城市防雾霾绿化景观设计
TakePart/MakeArt Travelling Pavilion 2016-18



2016 The Second Ning Bo Contemporary Art Exhibition "AIR"  | 2016年宁波第二届当代艺术展“空气” 2016.01
“The water around the stone" Re-Ball! Competition | "水中石"互动装置 Re-ball 国际竞赛 2016.04
"AR(dap)T" TakePart/ MakeArt Travelling Pavilion 2016-18 | 移动艺术馆国际竞赛(美国)2016.04

EFFIX Pavilion-Varna Competition | EFFIX 瓦尔纳馆设计竞赛 (2016.08)


“Hybrid Forest” Green Urban Installation, Beijing, China | “混合森林” 绿色防雾霾城市装置,北京 2016-Now (On-going)

"DiaMosque" Refugee camp community center design | 难民营清真寺设计,土耳其 2016-Now (On-going)

"The Maohaus" Hu tong Façade |板桥16号胡同立面 2017.04 (Complete)


"Primitive Hut" wood pavilion |  “原始棚屋” 户外木制装置空间 2017.11 

Beijing Future Science Park Upgrade |    北京未来科学城滨水公园建筑及景观升级设计 2017.07-Now (On-going)

“Pussy Hut" Winter Stations 2018 | “粉色猫帽计划”冬日站2018

Umi-Play Kis Drama Education Center Design | 优米儿童教育机构室内设计 2018.05 (in construction)



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