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Wenzhou Harbor Architecture and Planning 
|    温州杨府山码头1.8公里规划及建筑设计
antistatics architecture new beijing national zoo
Beijing New National Zoo Masterplan |           北京新建国家动物园规划
03 Umi Theater_AntiStatics.jpg
Umi-Play Children’s Dramatic Arts Center |
antistatics architecture office
AntiStatics Office Renovation |
antistatics architecture wood lattice installation
Ceramic Channel Art Museum Opening | China 陶瓷频道美术馆开馆仪式
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"THE MAOHAUS" Hutong Facade|      
非静止建筑,板桥16号,antistatics architecture the MaoHaus
"Woven Grove" Design China Beijing 2019|     
非静止建筑,板桥16号,antistatics architecture the MaoHaus
Beijing Future Science Park Upgrad|     
antistatics architecture Yue Min Jun Studio
Yue Min Jun Art Studio Addition & Renovation|      
Hi-ten Show Theater Upgrade |            《欢腾秀》剧场升级
antistatics architecture Pier 9 woven pavilion
“Woven Tectonics”  |
antistatics architecture Yue Min Jun Studio
AntiStatics 2.0 Office Interior|      
​非静止2.0 办公空间
antistatics architecture mobile stage installation
"The Event of Phoenix" Mobile Stage|      
77 Night F 夜景F座 2K.png
Beijing Fashion Factory Urban Renewal |    北京时尚创意工厂城市更新设计
antistatics architecture mountain resort
Tangshan South Lake CBD Master Planning |    唐山南湖中央商务核心区规划
Dali Erhai Culture and tourist Planning 
|    大理环洱海文旅规划设计
antistatics architecture Senior Resort Planning
South Lake Ecological Senior Home Planning|  南湖生态养老度假村
"Primitive Hut" wood pavilion
|  “原始棚屋” 户外木制装置空间

“Pussy Hut" Winter Stations 2018 |


antistatics architecture installation
CatenAIRies Interactive Installation, Ningbo Museum of Art | 空气互动装置,宁波美术馆
antistatics architecture landscape
antistatics architecture mountain resort
Aviation Theme Mountain Resort Master Planning |    航空主题度假小镇
antistatics architecture haning installation
Hiten Show Installation | 《欢腾秀》悬链装置
antistatics architecture fabric installation
Ceramic Channel Art Museum Opening | China陶瓷频道美术馆开馆仪式
antistatics architecture water like interactive installation
"Water around the Stone" Re-Ball Competition | “水中石”互动装置
stage design
15th  Wuqiao International Acrobatics Festival | 第15届吴桥国际杂技节
antistatics architecture interior installation
Quying's Sun Room Interior Rennovation | 瞿颖阳光房室内改造
antistatics architecture canopy structure
Geneva Sun shade Green Canopy |           
antistatics architecture Beijing smog free installation
“Hybrid Forest” Beijing Urban Renovation
| 城市防雾霾绿化景观设计
antistatics architecture prefab mosque
Refugee Camp "DiaMosque" 
| 难民营清真寺设计
antistatics architecture iceburg furniture
Yangwei's Dining Room Furniture Design
| 杨威的餐厅家具设计

HE YI JU Residential Landscape Design |


antistatics architecture mountain valley architecture
"Urban Valley" Commercial Mixed-use Development | "城市山谷“ 商业综合体
antistatics architecture prefab installation
EFFIX Pavilion-Varna Competition | EFFIX 瓦尔纳馆设计竞赛
prefab installation
TakePart/MakeArt Travelling Pavilion 2016-18
​| 移动展馆竞赛
netting interior
Tsinghua University Theater Interior Rennovation | 清华学堂室内改造
wetland interactive installation
Cao Fei Dian Tourist center Exihibition Design | 曹妃甸游客接待中心方案设计



AntiStatics Office Renovation | 非静止办公空间改造 2015.06 (Built)
"The Valley" Urban Mixed-use Development  | "城市山谷"石家庄城市商业综合体 2015.06- now (On-going)
China WuQiao International Circus Festival | 第十五届中国吴桥国际杂技艺术节 2015.10 (Built)
Beijing New National Zoo Master-planning | 北京新建国家动物园规划设计 2015. 11
Tsinghua Performance Art Center Renovation | 清华学堂室内改造 2015.11
“CatenAIRies" 2016 The Second Ning Bo Contemporary Art Exhibition "AIR"  | "气悬”互动装置: 2016年宁波第二届当代艺术展“空气” (Built)
"Multi-Lattice" 2016 China ceramics art museum interior renovation | ”多重框架体系“ 中国陶瓷频道美术馆开馆仪式及室内改造 2016.03 (Built)
“The water around the stone" Re-Ball! Competition | "水中石"互动装置 Re-ball 国际竞赛 2016.04
"AR(dap)T" TakePart/ MakeArt Travelling Pavilion 2016-18 | 移动艺术馆国际竞赛(美国)2016.04
“The Event of Phoenix” The 3rd China-CEEU Leaders' Meeting Tangshan Theater Stage Art | 《凤凰之约》第三次中国-中东欧国家地方领导人会议专场文艺演出舞美设计 2016.06 (Built)
CaoFeiDian Tourist Center Exhibition Design | 曹妃甸游客接待中心方案设计 2016.06
Hi-Ten Show Theater Upgrade | 《欢腾秀》剧场升级方案 2016.08 (Built)
Quying's Sun Room Interior Renovation | 瞿颖阳光房室内改造 2016.08 (Built)

HE YI JU Residential Landscape Design | 古冶·和逸居项目景观绿化设计 2016.09 (Built)

Yangwei's dining room furniture design | 杨威的餐厅家具设计 2016.09(Built)

EFFIX Pavilion-Varna Competition | EFFIX 瓦尔纳馆设计竞赛 2016.08

Aviation Theme Mountain Resort Master Planning Concept Design, Zhangshiyan, China 嶂石岩航空主题度假小镇 2016-Now (On-going)

“Hybrid Forest” Green Urban Installation, Beijing, China | “混合森林” 绿色防雾霾城市装置,北京 2016-Now (On-going)

"DiaMosque" Refugee camp community center design | 难民营清真寺设计,土耳其 2016-Now (On-going)


“Woven Tectonics”  | 大型编织体系装置,  三藩市
"The Maohaus" Hutong Façade |板桥16号胡同立面 2017.04 (Built)
South Lake Ecological Senior Home Planning|  南湖生态养老度假村 2016.11-Now (on-going)
Tangshan South Lake CBD Master Planning |    唐山南湖中央商务核心区规划 2017.06- Now (On-going)
Beijing Future Science Park Upgrade|    北京未来科学城滨水公园建筑及景观升级设计 2017.07-Now (On-going)
Dali Erhai Culture and tourist Planning  |    大理环洱海文旅规划设计 2017.10-Now (On-going)
Wenzhou Harbor Architecture and Planning  |    温州杨府山码头1.8公里规划及建筑设计 2017.12-2019.01 (In Construction)

“Pussy Hut" Winter Stations 2018 | “粉色猫帽计划”冬日站 2018 (Built)

Umi-Play Children's Dramatic Education Center Design | U米儿童教育机构室内设计 2018.08 (Built)
I Do Artist Store Design with Yue minjun, Wuhan |I Do 岳敏君艺术家店设计 2018.09-Now (In Construction)
Beijing Changying Fashion Factory Urban Renewal Project | 北京常营时尚创意工厂城市更新项目 2019.01-Now (In Construction)
"Woven Grove" Installation at Design China Beijing 2019 | “编织丛林”  设计中国北京2019 展览装置 2019.09 (Built)

© AntiStatics Architecture, 2015 - 2024

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